24 July 2018 | by Ágnes Ferenczi and Ádám Nagy
After several days of mental challenges - we had quite a different experience today. We started off the day by signing up for different options for the morning session: seeing the Red Cross movement, participating in a sustainability walk and and seeing the Imst Integration Office or getting an insight to social entrepreneurship.
After all these exciting activities and inspiring talks about e.g. the consuming society or the integration of refugees in Austria, we had a takeaway lunch in the city centre. Then, we embarked on a challenging hike in the Tyrolean mountains surrounding Imst. Though it was tiring it felt good to do something physically demanding for a change. We spent about an hour at a lake where the team could swim and play volleyball. Afterwards, we took the chairlift to the top of the mountain, and the Alpine scenery left us nothing but astonished. The route downhill was even more exciting since we did it on the longest Alpine coaster in the world - which happens to be in Imst.
" The route downhill was even more exciting since we did it on the longest Alpine coaster in the world - which happens to be in Imst. "
We ended the day with the Austrian evening where we reflected on the great inequalities people have to face everyday in the state of Austria, even if it doesn’t immediately appear to be that way. After that, we moved on to more well known Austrian cultural characteristics. We got to try the Austrian drink Almdudler as well as the famous Mannerschnitten. We even learned the basic steps of the Waltz, right after we got introduced to what yodeling is. The highlight of the evening was when we got surprised by a giant original Sacher cake. Meeting of the Umbrella Groups wrapped this day up at last.
To sum it all up, it was a pleasantly tiring day that we really enjoyed and needed. Everyone had a great time, and the 24th of July definitely lived up to the quality that the other days of this amazing Short Course had established.
Maecenas hendrerit mauris ac eleifend tristique. Aenean laoreet urna a dictum tempor. Aenean tortor leo, vehicula auctor mauris nec, maximus sodales ex. Praesent mollis pharetra mollis. Donec mollis semper mi. Aenean in risus arcu. Nullam sit amet sollicitudin turpis, eget suscipit nulla. In et lacus non nisi aliquet vestibulum eget at mauris. Aenean eu lectus ultrices, auctor ex et, iaculis nunc. Etiam vestibulum nisl id lacinia lobortis. Aenean ut sapien eu ex sodales sagittis. Phasellus quis commodo ipsum. Aenean efficitur, ex in ultrices pretium, massa mauris hendrerit felis, eget sollicitudin augue urna quis mauris. Maecenas consequat tortor at efficitur efficitur.
In pellentesque purus quis diam accumsan, eu suscipit nunc malesuada. Fusce tempus accumsan nunc, vitae semper mi efficitur lobortis. Morbi mauris urna, mollis id magna in, sollicitudin pulvinar ante. Aenean nisi elit, mattis sit amet ultricies eget, tristique et odio. Nulla a cursus nulla. Etiam sit amet imperdiet leo. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas fermentum ac ipsum ac elementum. Nulla facilisi. Etiam in nibh lectus. Pellentesque ut fermentum lorem, at eleifend est. Duis malesuada risus nec arcu finibus feugiat.
Duis eu cursus nisl. Integer tincidunt congue suscipit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce sit amet semper libero, ac auctor ex. Pellentesque nisi dui, ullamcorper sed nisi vitae, finibus rutrum dui. Nunc mollis massa eget risus venenatis laoreet. Pellentesque vel dignissim mi. Mauris sed viverra turpis, id lobortis magna. Donec non magna sollicitudin, placerat lorem vitae, fermentum elit. Quisque sed efficitur tortor. Donec vulputate tempus sem. Nam orci dolor, faucibus vestibulum tristique nec, ornare at neque. Nulla dictum congue lectus at ultricies.
23 July 2018 | by Patryk Cialon
Being aware of privileges we have in our life requires a lot of reflectiveness. However, sometimes things tend to seem so obvious that we ultimately forget how lucky...